Extending your workforce and aligning your operations in today and tomorrow’s technology. Finding the right offshore provider for your business is quite a challenge. You might get confused at times, as everyone’s value proposition is to give you lower operational cost and doubled efficiency which most of us would probably want to grab.
One thing you should keep in mind choosing an offshore provider is they should specialise and provide solutions to what your company wants to achieve. There must be an alignment between what you do, and what they offer.
Knowing what you want to achieve and how to do it will give you a clearer vision of your future. Getting global team members from Universal Property Systems evaporates the stress from real estate sales and property management businesses. We are all about providing Co-Managed Real Estate Global Solutions, so your local team can focus on the roles they perform best.
Relationship management is one of the essential skill sets our Property Marketing Coordinators have. They are trained in building rapport and efficiently attend to and rectify the concerns of the agents regarding their campaigns.
Our Global Property Marketing Coordinators are essential for real estate sales and marketing. We provide you with a dedicated person whose role is to build and maintain a good relationship with your campaign suppliers, adhere to marketing deadlines, launch your sales and rentals properties, and someone who can track and follow your operational process to seamlessly run a campaign.
With Universal Property Systems, you are not only getting a person with a pulse, we give you someone who is trained and has the initiative to take ownership of their roles. We commit and customise ourselves to the needs of our clients to ensure efficiency and greater capacity. We give you someone who is trained, and we take action in co-managing with you to produce better results for your business. Give us a call today on 1300 855 111!